Wednesday 31 December 2014

Use 2 Whatsapp Accounts In One Phone?

Whatsapp is the world famous messenger to send and receive messages for each other. 88% of people use whatsapp to communicate between them. It has became a trend to chat with friends. I think You are the One who also has whatsapp in your mobile.

Many people some or the other time thinks " Can't we use 2 whatsapp accounts in one smartphone".
Here comes the biggest questions in every mind is that:
  • can we use multiple whatsapp in a mobile?
  • can we have dual whatsapp account in on mobile?

    Like this so many questions comes to your mind. Don't worry here is the solution for all your questions. The solution for using 2 whatsapp accounts in one phone is through OGWhatsapp.

    What Is OGWhatsapp?

    1)OGWhatsapp is a New version or Modern version of Whatsapp messenger app for Android mobiles. 
    2)OGWhatsapp is used to use 2 whatsapp accounts in one phone.
    3) OGWhatsapp doesn't require any Rooting of your Android mobile, Windows phone and all smart phones.
    Follow the steps to install OGWhatsapp in your mobile.

    Steps To Install OGWhatsapp To Use Multiple Accounts In One Phone:

    Step 1) Before installing the OGWhatsapp take the Backup of your Data from the Phone.

    Step 2) Go to  ...Settings>>Apps>>Manage apps>>Whatsapp>>Clear Data.
    Step 3) Go to ..Sdcard>> Whatsapp folder and rename it as OGWhatsapp .

    Step 4) Uninstall the present or offical whatsapp from the mobile.
    Step 5) Install OGWhatsapp. Click here to Download it.

    Step 6) It will ask your phone number. Give the earlier number which you have uninstalled.
    how to use 2 accounts in one android phone.

    Step 7) Click ok.
    Step 8) Now your OGWhatsapp is ready with one Number.
    Step 9) To use the second Account, Download the Official Whatsapp  from play store.
    Step 10) After downloading, install it. The app will ask your second number which you want to use. Enter the number and click on ok.

    That's it you have created Multiple Accounts in whatsapp in your Smart phone.
      This is the way  you can have 2 accounts of Whatsapp in one mobile.If you like this post ple share it with your friends. If you feel any problem, share with us we will solve it.

    ‘Cut Off’ internet connection of your friend!

     I was wondering that it would be very cool if you would be able to control the internet connection of your friend under the same Wi-Fi! Isn’t it? So I came up with this article…
    This article will be introducing a tool called “NetCut” which is available at The direct download link is available below. 
    Usually this tool is designed to test the Wi-Fi network or to control the network traffic or to filter the network, but Script kiddies use this tool to take a control over the network traffic. Using this tool you can get the complete list of the systems connected to the network and individually you can decide whether they are supposed to use the internet or not.
    Suppose, it is your college Wi-Fi, therefore a number of students are expected to be using that network. In that case, the network speed would get slowdown because of huge bandwidth. Actually the network speed is equally divided between the users, that is, if your college Wi-Fi provides an internet connection of 1Mbps and 10 people are using the network then each one would nearly get a speed of 100Kbps. Therefore in this case if you use NetCut then that would help you disconnecting other people from using internet and this would speed up your connection!
    Note: You must be connected to the Wi-Fi whose network traffic you want to manage.
    This tool is very simple to use!
    1. Firstly download the latest version of this tool by clicking here!
    2. Install and open the file.
    3. Select the network adapter.
    4. You will see a list of computers under your Wi-Fi.
    5. Select the computer by clicking on the particular IP address. You can also select multiple systems by holding Ctrl key.
    6. Now cut the net connection by clicking on Cut Off.
    7. That’s it…! You are done.
    You you must be wondering how to protect myself from this kind of stuff? The answer is very simple. On the same website ( you will find a tool named NetCut-Defender. Just download this tool and stay connected to your network!
    Feel free to comment your views!
    Have fun…

    Access blocked websites in your college/office Wi-Fi

    Unblock_WebsitesI got few mails asking for some tricks to access restricted websites in college or office Wi-Fi without using proxy. Generally, if you use proxy to access some website then it might take you some more time to load the page than usual, but a VPN connection rather will improve your speed. In this article I will be helping you to set up a free VPN account for unlimited access to often blocked websites like Torrents, Facebook and YouTube. And then you have some more plus points like you can manage your downloads, that is, you can pause them (if you are under a Wi-Fi network then you won’t be able to pause your downloads, well, in most of them) and you can also be able to perform video call using Skype or some other alternate service.
    Note that the password will be changed every few hours so you have to visit the VPN service provider’s webpage for the password and reconnect using your new VPN credentials.
    There are many VPN service providers, just Google them and you’ll find an impressive list. Well, I use and I will be using it in this article for the demonstration.
    Follow the below steps to step up your VPN.
    1. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center and click Set up a new connection or networkunder Change your networking settings.
    Networking_and_Sharing_Center2. Select Connect to a workplace under Choose a connectionoption and click ’Next’.
    3. Select ’No, create a new connection’ and click ‘Next’.
    4. Now click ‘Use my Internet connection (VPN)’.
    5. Enter the domain name at the Internet address field as provided in the VPN details of the VPN service provider and theDestination name can be of your choice.USAFREEVPN
    6. Now you are almost done. Go to or some other VPN service provider site of your choice, note down the credentials.
    7. Connect to your network under Networks tab.
    You are done now…! You can enjoy surfing restricted websites at unlimited bandwidth.
    Note: Do not relay on this VPN for hacking purposes it might get you behind bars.

    Monday 29 December 2014

    BEWARE HACKING @ CYBER CAFE -What is a Hardware Keylogger

    we are going to tell you about Hardware Keylogger. You all might already know about what is a keylogger.

    Now we are going to tell you What is a Hardware Keylogger and How a Hardware keylogger works.
    Here is what a Hardware Keylogger Looks like.
    What is a Hardware Keylogger | How hardware keylogger works
    What is a Hardware Keylogger | How hardware keylogger works
    Hardware Keylogger is nothing but a programmed chip (Mostly in assembly Language), so as to capture all the keystrokes and save them in its internal memory. The keylogger can then be taken out and all the stored information can easily be assessed by the hacker. Hardware Keylogger are most commonly used in cyber cafe’s and other public places where a lot of people come and access theinternet. Beware of such places.
    Always check the keyboard connectors before accessing internet at such places. Hardware Keylogger are extremely powerful and effective and if they are actually installed on any machine and you use it, there is 99.9% chance of you getting hacked.
    How can it affect you. Imagine you going to a cyber cafe and make a bank transaction just to pay your bills. No sooner you enter your login detail, the hardware keylogger will save the keystrokes. Some advance hardware keyloggers might also take screenshots at regular interval so that the hacker knows the login details are for which website or webpage.
    Once the hacker has all this information in the Hardware Keylogger, imaging what all can he do when he access that information. And this is just a small example. There is much more damage one can do with a hardware keylogger.
    Prevention: To secure yourself from such attack, there is only one way. Check the hardware of the computer you use at public places and even your personal computer if your friends come to your place often. Who knows who might attach the hardware keylogger in your machine.

    Types of Proxy | How to hide IP Address.

    Every now and then I come across people who want to change there IP address but don’t know how. In this post I will try to give you every possible information to hide the IP address using the various types of Proxy Servers out there. If you want to know about various kind of proxy servers then this post is for you.

    A proxy server acts as an interface between the user and the internet if you want to Change your IP Address.
    Don’t know what is IP Address?
    Now I’ll come to the heart of the post, which contains the answer to your curious question How to Hide the IP address ? The only solution to hide your IP address is by using a Proxy Server. But Wait! The story doesn’t end here. Even though proxy servers are the only way to hide your IP address, there are several ways of connecting your PC to the proxy server. Before setting up the connection with the proxy servers you must know some information about different types of proxy servers and their uses.
    1. Transparent Proxy Server
    This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server and also makes the original IP address available through the http headers. These are generally used to speedup the web browsing since thay have a very good ability to cache websites. But they do not conceal the IP of it’s users. It is widely known as transparent proxy because it will expose your real IP address to the web. This type of proxy server does not hide your IP address.
    2. Anonymous Proxy Server
    This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but does not make the original IP address available. This type of proxy server is detectable, but provides reasonable anonymity for most users. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
    3. Distorting Proxy Server
    This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but make an incorrect original IP address available through the http headers. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
    4. High Anonymity Proxy Server (Elite Proxy)
    This type of proxy server does not identify itself as a proxy server and does not make available the original IP address. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.So this is the best way to mask your IP.
    Which Proxy Server is the best to Hide My IP ?
    I know, you can answer this question better than me.Obviously High Anonymity Proxy or Elite Proxy is the best to hide your IP. But it’s not easy to get a list of working elite proxies. If you search theGoogle, you will definitely get tons of proxy list. You’ll get a list of proxies in the following format
    IP:Port Number
    Eg: ( is the IP of the proxy server and 8080 is the port number)
    But most of them don’t work. Here are some of the problems/risks associated with using free proxies that are available on the internet.
    • Most of them do not work since the proxy servers frequently changes it’s IP/Port number.
    • Even if you find a working proxy server it may be too slow.
    • Your privacy is not guaranteed since all your traffic is routed through the proxy server.
    • The administrators of the proxy servers may steal your valuable information such as passwords, SSN (Social security number), Credit Card details etc.
    So with all these being the risks then how to find a working, fast ,highly anonymous and secured Proxy servers?
    Now software that works like charm to change the email accounts.
    Hide My Ass pro Vpn is the best proxy server out there. I personally loved it.
    check it online .

    How to ensure that the IP is hidden ?
    Before you hide your IP you can check your real IP by visiting the following site.
    Once you get your real IP, switch on your IP hiding software. Now once again visit the above site and check your IP address. If you see a new IP then this means that your software is doing the right job. Also the above site( is capable of detecting many proxies. If you see the words such as “suspected proxy server or network sharing device” or similar words then it means that the proxy you are using is not an Elite Proxy.
    One Final Word before you leave! Even though Elite proxies are almost undetectable they can be detected at a higher level. But the process would be much harder and time consuming than free proxies. So only high end elite proxies are recommended by us.
    One More thing, it is unsafe to use free proxy during e-commerce transactions such as Online banking, Online Credit Card payment etc. So please avoid free proxies during these circumstances and use elite proxies (like hide my ass pro vpn) only if required.
    I Hope this post helped you to learn about the types of proxy servers and how to hide ip address to a great extent.

    Sunday 28 December 2014

    How Most Used Website Track You, And How To Avoid It

    The search engine giant Google new 'Terms Of Service' has left many people feeling insecure. The major highlight of the update "Shared Endorsements" allows your personal details (Name,Pics,Comments) to be used in targeted advertisements on Google property sites. Google's support page for shared endorsements says "The feature will allow for more friend-based recommendation of music and restaurants."

    How To Opt Out Of Google Ads :

    1 : Google's Shared Endorsements :

    2 : Google's Interest-Based Ads :

    Facebook Also is not far behind blowing holes in people privacy. The Not-So-New "Sponsored Stories" Ads can be quite annoying to any privacy lover. As described by Facebook "Sponsored stories are messages coming from friends about them engaging with a Page, app or event that a business, organization or individual has paid to highlight so there's a better chance people see them." .You can turn this feature off easily by going to the Edit button in your Ads settings page (Link Below), selecting "No one" and saving your changes.

    Opt Out Of Facebook Sponsored Stories :

    Click To Open Facebook Ads Setting Page

    The Micro-Blogging platform Twitter also has an advertising program, " Twitter Tailored Ads" targeted ad campaign matches your profile information and tweet archive to relevant advertisers. Disabling it is easy: From your profile, go to your Security Settings page and unmark the box under the promoted content section.

    Opt Out Of Twitter Tailored Ads :


    Search History : The Ultimate Database !

    Every time you search something, it is instantly collected, analyzed and used to better target the advertisements you see and give you more relevant search results. While this feature serves you better search results,  it could also lead to slightly limited results, depending what your search engine's algorithm has determined to be your interests. In Simpler Words If you search Cricket twice or thrice a day for 2-3 days, then you will start seeing Cricket Accessories Ads, everywhere. Below is how to disable search history :

    1. Yahoo Search History : 

    In your Yahoo preferences page, you can toggle search history off by clicking on the "Keep Search History" drop-down menu and selecting Search "History Off"

    2. Bing Search History :

    Within your Bing profile settings, you can stop by simply clicking the "Turn Off" button. From this page, you're also able to selectively delete any previous Bing searches you've made

    3. Google Web :

    In preferences, Choose "Turn off" button, next to the phrase "Web history is on." From there, you can also delete any and all past searches Google has stored.

    Other Options :

    You can also tamper with the Browser's Cookie settings, But we won't recommend it as it can cause problems. You Can Install Add-ons in your browser, Like my personal favorite GhosteryWhich can easily block unwanted cookies. Also you could use a good search engine, Like DuckDuckGo, Which is the most secure search engine till date. It has HTTPS, It doesn't share its data with NSA, and is pretty fast too.

    So how was this post ? Love/Hate/Spot A Mistake ? Please leave your feedback below and don't forget to Like Us on Facebook, Follow Us On Twitter And Grab Us On Google Plus.

    Shutdown Another PC on a LAN

    The target PC & server/your PC must be in same Domain/Workgroup to work  this to function correctly.
    This’ll only work on Microsoft Windows-based Operating systems. Linux & Mac Operating systems will require different terminal commands.

    Step 1:- Open the command prompt. by clicking on the “Start” button, and selecting “Run”. and type “cmd” and then “ok”.

    Step 2:- Type  ”shutdown -m \\computername” in cmd.
    replace “computername” with  Name of the PC which you want to shutdown OR the computer’s IP address.

    Step 3:- Select any of these listed command.

    -r for force a restart, it will disable any services/user interaction or interrupts.
    -c for comment,it will force a comment to visible on the system being shutdown.
    -t xx for force  timeout for “xx” seconds. As an example ” -t 60″ , it would perform a shutdown after 60-seconds timeout.
    -a to abort the shutdown.
    full command example: shutdown -m \\kitchencomp -r -c “This computer will shutdown in 60 seconds” -t 60

    Step 4)
    Alternative method :

    Type “shutdown -i” in command promt or run window.
    Click on “Add” tab and type the “Name of the computer/IP address which you want to shutdown. U can select any option which you want that computer to do.
    In this method, it’s compulsory  to add a comment.
    then press OK.


    Saturday 27 December 2014

    Ways to Hide IP Address Online

    Hide IP Address

    Every computer on the Internet has a unique IP address allotted to it which makes it possible to trace it back to its exact location. Even though the concept of Internet Protocol address has been designed for its transparency and traceability, in some cases this questions the privacy of the Internet user where one would not like to reveal his/her identity to the outside world.
    Well, if you are one such person who is in search of ways to hide your IP address online, then you are at the right place. In this post, I will discuss some of the easy and popular ways to mask your IP address so that your identity and privacy is kept safe.

    Why Hide IP Address?

    The following are some of the common reasons why people want to mask their IP address online:
    1. By hiding the IP address, people can browse websites anonymously without leaving the trace of their identity.
    2. To access websites and portals that are not available to the IP addresse’s their Geo location.
    3. Stay safe from intruders and hackers by showing a fake IP to the world.
    4. Hiding IP means hiding geographical location.
    5. Hiding IP prevents leaving a digital footprint of their online activity.

    How to Hide Your IP?

    Some of the most common ways to hide IP and safeguard your online identity are discussed below:

    1. Using a VPN Proxy – The Safe and Secure Way to Hide Your IP

    Using a trusted VPN service is the best way to hide your IP during your online activities. Here is a list of most popular and highly reliable VPN services that you can go for:

    • VyprVPN – VyprVPN offers the world’s fastest VPN services to its clients and supports wide range of operating systems including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

    • Hide My Ass VPN – Hide My Ass is one of the most popular and trusted VPN service that allows people to easily conceal their IP address and protect their online privacy.

    The following are some of the advantages of using a VPN service over any other method of concealing your IP address:
    1. In addition to hiding your IP, a VPN service encrypts all your web traffic to keep you safe from hackers and intruders.
    2. Unlike other IP hiding methods (discussed in the latter part of this article) which affects your speed of browsing, a VPN service keeps your Internet speed fast without affecting its performance.
    3. You have a long list of countries and states to select from as your place of origin. For example, if you are originally from United Kingdom, you may choose an IP address that belong to United States so that the websites that you visit will see you as from US and not UK.
    4. By selecting an IP address of your choice, you can easily bypass location blocks and even access restricted websites that are not available for your country.

    2. Website Based Proxy Servers

    This is another popular way to quickly mask IP address on the Internet. Since it is a web based service, users need not have to install any piece of software program on their computer. The following are some of the popular websites that offer free services to hide IP address:
    The downside of using these free services to hide your IP address is that most of them become overloaded and are too slow to use. In addition, some of them will not offer a secured connection (SSL) and you will often be presented with annoying ads and pop-ups during the course of your browsing.

    3. Browser Configured Proxy Servers

    There are hundreds of freely available open proxies that can be found on the Internet. You can obtain the IP address of one of those freely available proxy servers and configure your browser to start hiding your original IP address. However, as they are openly available to public, most of them are either dead or perform too slow under normal conditions.

    Which Service to Choose?

    I have made my sincere attempt to present readers with all the available options to successfully hide the IP address on their computers. If you only want to hide your IP address for a specific amount of time and are not concerned with the performance, go for the free web based services. On the other hand, if you have the necessity to hide your IP on a regular basis, need high security and performance, go for paid VPN services like Hide My Ass or VyprVPN.

    Top 6 Black Hat Hackers In The World

    There are two types of hackers. First one are good hackers who are known as "white hat" hackers and another one which we will be talking about today are called "black hat" hackers. In this article, we will be talking about six famous black hat hackers and their hacks which made them famous or wanted.

    George Hotz

    Young and talented and what is the most important bored teenager, George Hotz wanted to have fun one summer night and  as a result he hacked the Sony’s company Iphone. It happened in June of 2007, by that time George was 17. It was a bit of a challenge, because how to hack device with assistant things?  The secret is to figure out how “to speak to the device”.He also mentioned that what he did was completely legal.It seems people can be dangerous in certain way when they are bored. Who knows what may happen if crazy smart geek will find thy way of his ideas.

    Kevin Mitnick                                                            

    Kevin Mitnick is well-known as the most-wanted computer criminal in the United States. He was in high school when he started hacking. For several years he hacked dozens of companies.What interesting, for those “services” he was finally arrested in 1995 at his apartment for hacking. Kevin also has served 5 years in prison, nevertheless despite of his experience he runs his own security firm named Mitnick Security Consulting. The other side of the coin is, however Mitnick published a book that calls “Ghost in Wires”, which is about his upps-and-downs, victories and crushes. He shared that every hack was like a climbing to mountain and he reached the Everest. This is one more proof how talent have pined, because of a boredom.

    Adrian Lamo

    Adrian was called as the most effective and controversial hacker of the 21st century. That is very flattering status.He was famous for breaking into several high-profile computer networks. Lamo might use his gift to help people to consult, what is actually he did, but as exception and compromise.His baby steps in hacking, Adrian Lamo made pretty early and became known for the first time for operating AOL watchdog site.As many others, he was arrested in 2003 and had to correspond for each and every computer crime.Thus, even if Lamo now works as a threat analyst and public speaker, his glory will always follow him, because our past if the part of our “present”  and a part of who we are.

    Gary McKinnon 

    This “black hat” McKinnon  hacked into 97 United States military and NASA computers. He could be the biggest threat  for government. Glasgow-born McKinnon wanted the truth to come out and show itself. In March 2002 Gary was arrested by police. “Black hat” used his hacking skills to “research” his beliefs and evidence of UFOs  inexhaustible source of power, into the US government’s computers. He didn’t do that because of boredom, but because of obsession and thirst to hidden knowledge. Probably this computer crime is serious, but forgivable. Man wasn’t going to hack computer system because he was bored or to prove something, we was looking for truth no more than.

    Jonathan James

    Story of Jonathan James  is sad, nevertheless his life can be compared to comet – short, but bright. In 1999 teenager at the age of 15 years old hacked into Bellsouth and Miami-Dade school network. Jonathan James damaged NASA Systems, it costed $41,000 to fix the systems.  It goes without saying that he made serious damage. To stole software from NASA that worth $1.7 Million is one the biggest computer crimes. He wasn’t after information or justice, he was after money… As they say, never speak ill of the dead.Jonathan James was sentenced 6 months house arrest and banned from using computer, however that didn’t prevent him to commit suicide.

    Kevin Poulsen

    This talented “cyber-terrorists” could have great career and almost blow his chance.  It seems that this hacker likes contracts  and his life reflects it pretty well. He hacked into the US Department of Defense's Arpanet. However later  he worked as a consultant testing Pentagon computer security. Late on Kevin hacked  FBI, after that hacked phone lines to radio station  of Los Angeles… Poulsen’s life reminded American switchbacks…Certainly he was wanted by FRI  and finally they caught him. Despite of such interesting past, Kevin is law-abiding citizen and has several awards  of International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.

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