Saturday 11 July 2015

Top 25 Worst Password Of 2014 – Is Yours One Of Them ?

Its really sad that people are very lazy to create strong passwords to log into social media, stores, email and other websites. In one year 3.3 million passwords leaked online , in this SplashData has listed the 25 most common — and therefore least secure
The 100 worst passwords include easy series of letters and numbers in alphabetical or numerical order, or as they appear on the keyboard (e.g. “qwerty” and “1qaz2wsx,” the first two semi-columns of keys),   sports teams and favorite sports and less than clever phrases like “letmein,” “access,” and, ironically, “trustno1.
According to SplashData full list here are the top 25 worst password of 2014 :-
1. 123456 (Unchanged from 2013)
2. password (Unchanged)
3. 12345
4. 12345678
5. qwerty
6. 1234567890
7. 1234
8. baseball (New)
9. dragon (New)
10. football (New)
11. 1234567
12. monkey
13. letmein
14. abc123
15. 111111
16. mustang (New)
17. access (New)
18. shadow
19. master (New)
20. michael (New)
21. superman (New)
22. 696969 (New)
23. 123123
24. batman (New)
25. trustno1

How to Connect Two Computers Via Lan Cable

In this tutorial we are going to show you how to transfer data from one computer to another. We need to PC/Laptop and a lan cable to transfer data.

PC 1

Step1: Go to “Open Networking and Sharing Center“.
Step2: Click on “Local Area Connection“.
Step3: Now click on “Properties“.
Step4: Double click on “Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv6)“.
Step5: Click on “Use the following IP address:” and enter the IP address: as192.168.1.1 and just give a click on Subnet mask. Once done click “Ok” and close it.

PC 2

Step1: Go to “Open Networking and Sharing Center“.
Step2: Click on “Local Area Connection“.
Step3: Now click on “Properties“.
Step4: Double click on “Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv6)“.
Step5: Click on “Use the following IP address:” and enter the IP address: as192.168.1.2 and just give a click on Subnet mask. Once done click “Ok” and close it.

Now  two computers are connected. To share files we need to give access to our drives, so follow the commands given below to give access to your drivers.
Step1: Click on “Computer“.
Step2: Right click on driver and then Properties.
Step3: Click on “Sharing” tab and then Advance Sharing and then check out Share the folder
Step4: Click on Permissions to give control on the other PC and once done click “Ok” and close it
Step5: Click Security and then go onto Advance Settings > Change Permissions >Add > Advance > Find Now at bottom click Everyone
If you have any problems then you can watch the video given below or comment below this post
Note: If you share your data via WiFi the data transfer will be 1-2MB and if you share the data via Lan cable the data transfer will be 10-12MB

Cracking WPA/WPA2 – PSK Encryption

Cracking WPA/WPA2
Cracking WPA/WPA2

About a month ago, to my embarrassment, I learned that my Wi-Fi password was so weak that even my 10 year old neighbour could crack it…
No, not really.
  • A little Disclaimer – The contents of this post are solely for ethical and educational purposes. You may not use it for unethical purposes. The Author or the Website is not responsible for any damage to yourself, your network, or the computers in you network, should something go wrong. (Basically guys, be careful where you use this and please don’t do anything stupid.)
We’re going to start with a little introduction to Kali Linux, because that is the OS I prefer, is the easiest for this task and comes with all the tools we need. “Kali” is a Linux distribution and is the successor to the much acclaimed Backtrack, which many of you reading this article will probably know of. Now, there are many ways of installing and using Kali, if anyone needs any help, leave in the comments, and I will probably write another post about installing and its basics in the future.
In this tutorial, I’m going to hack into a Wi-Fi hotspot that I just set up, named – Anonymus.
Now, given that we have Kail Linux, open up a terminal window, type in “ifconfig “. This is going to list all the networking interfaces connected to your device.
Here, we only need (wlan0) which is our Wi-Fi card, so we can disable the others by doing “ifconfig <name of the interface> down”.
(“lo” does no matter)…
Now, we type “airmon-ng start wlan0”
(airmon-ng is just a tool for monitoring air traffic, “start” basically starts the tool, and “wlan0” specifies the interface we are using for monitoring)
It’ll probably show “some processes that could cause trouble”, we’ll simply kill those processes by entering “kill <process ID>”.
Now if we do “ifconfig”, it should show us the newly made monitoring interface “mon0”.
Then, put in, “airodump-ng mon0”.
In the screenshot below, the highlighted bssid is our target (and it is my own), named “Anonymus”, the channel is 13 as we can see under the “CH” column.
For our next step we type in, “airodump-ng –c <channel> -w <name> –bssid <bssid> mon0”.
Let me explain a few things here, “airodump-ng” is a tool for capturing Wi-Fi packets, “<channel>” means the channel your target is running on, “-w” basically writes a file by the name that succeeds it in “<name>”, (I did “handshake” just for the convenience of it) bssid is a string of numbers specific to a hotspot.
Now, open up a new terminal and type in “aireply-ng -0 0 –a <bssid> mon0”, this command send a deauthentication signal (usually called a deauth packet) to all the devices connected to that hotspot. Then after a few seconds we stop it by “Ctrl+C”. Now, as we can see, the other terminal shows that the WPA Handshake was successfully captured.
We can close both windows at this point, and open a new one. Type “ls”; that should list the files in the current directory. We can clearly see that the files from the above operation are present. But we only need the file ending with “-01.cap”.
Then we do, “aircrack-ng –w <full location of the wordlist> <the file name>”.
You may be asking what wordlist? What is that sh*t?
A Wordlist is a file containing thousands of known and possible passwords, which you can download from the internet (“specifying from the internet” – We ain’t dumb, boy! :P). The one I used can be found here. The list contains 982,963,904 words exactly all optimized for WPA/WPA2. Would also just like to point out that this is not my work, I got it from It was a guy who compiled a whole load of useful lists, including his own to come up with 2 lists (one is 11gb and one is 2gb) I will be seeding this torrent indefinitely since it is shareware and awesome!
It will then start searching for matching keys in the word list. Now the time that this will take is solely dependent on the strength of the password. The stronger the password the more time will it take. For very strong passwords, check this out. For tips on creating your own strong password – Top 10 Tips to Create a Strong Password
After completion it looks something like the screenshot below. In it, you can see that it tested 45688 keys and my key was the 45689th. I purposely put futurama because frankly, futurama is awesome! Also it is a very weak password (People reading this, if your password is “futurama”, you’re cool! The Hell? Change it right now!)
Now that we know the password, lets test it…
Annnnd… Voila! it works!
Workspace 1_002
Knowing this you will be…
But beware, don’t use it on a Lannister… (Because a Lannister always pays his debts :P)
For those of you who didn’t understand that reference, #GameOfThrones!

New Phishing Scam, Verify Your Email Account

New latest Phishing  scam is about verifying your email account which comes in a mail to the users.The email informs the users that if your account is not verified in 24 hours then you will be termed as a fraudulent user and your email account will be taken down. However, if you click on the “verify” button, you can resolve the issue.
The sample mail sent to the users :
This email is just another phishing scam and the email service provider is also not a legitimate one.When the users click on the “verify” button on the mail sent you will be redirected to a webpage where you will be asked to enter your email account password. As soon as this is done a fake verification scan will be run on your browser.
After scanning, you will be notified that the process of verification is complete and successful and your email no longer will be considered fraudulent. In the end, you will be taken to a genuine Google search page.

Why server side games generally can’t be hacked

We get many question daily asking us how to hack games such as Clash of Clans this article explains why server side games generally can’t be hacked
Overview –
• The Server – This party is responsible for serving content.
• The Client – This party requests content from the Server, and displays them to the user. In most cases, the client is a web browser.
Each side’s programming, refers to code which runs at the specific machine, the server’s or the client’s.
Server Side Code –
Server side is the code that resides at web server.
For every client request code is executed at server side and result is send to the client in simple HTML format.
Performance is lower than client side code due to server round trips.
Client cannot see the business logic though it is stored on server.
Client Side Code –
Client side code is reside at client’s browser itself. It is executed at
client side only. User can easily see the code by View – > Source option.
It is generally used in validation form like text field is empty or not, email address validation etc. It is faster than server side code
Server side code is responsible to execute and provide
the executed code to the browser at the client side. The executed code only have the
values or the results that are executed on the server.
There are many programs out there that claim to be able to hack games such as Clash of Clans, these are all fake, here’s why:
Any so called ‘gem hack’ will not work because the data is stored server side, so editing the data client side will then need to be confirmed server side.

In other words, there is no way to hack such a game. If there were a way, somebody would have figured it out, spread the information, and then it would have to have been patched rapidly. These kinds of games are specifically designed for people to not be able to hack into them. In order to do so you would have to gain access to the server and alter the information that contains things like how many gems you have. This in itself is a near impossible task because this information is sensitive and secure. It’s like if you were trying to gain credit card information off of a website like Amazon. It’s extremely unlikely and illegal that you’ll find a crack, but leaks do occur from time to time.

WhatsApp Could Offer 'Like' and 'Mark as Unread' Features Soon

The popular instant messaging app WhatsApp might adopt some features from its parent company, Facebook.

The messaging giant is testing some new features that might be coming to the app soon. The features include a 'Like' button similar to that of Facebook and a 'Mark as Unread' feature for chat messages, AndroidPit reports.

'Like' Button for Images

Ilhan Pektas, WhatsApp beta tester, recently claimed that a future WhatsApp update will introduce a 'Like' button for images, indicating the company might allow users to Like their friend’s profile picture and images shared in groups as well.

There aren't many details about the new features yet, but if implemented, Like button feature is something that could improve group chats.

'Mark as Unread' Feature to Chats

Besides implementing Like button, WhatsApp is also planning to introduce a 'Mark as Unread' feature to chat messages that will offer recipients ability to mark any message as unread, so that senders will not get the blue ticks.

WhatsApp recently brought few improvements to group chats which includes, the ability to see who is typing, blue ticks for read messages, group administrator’s ability to assign other members as admins, as well as increasing the number of group members.

And now, this new 'Mark as Unread' feature will give users the ability to mark a message as unread. Keeping in mind that awkward situation when a recipient have read the sender’s messages but isn’t able to reply instantly, WhatsApp might soon provide you undo your read chats as unread.

This new unread feature was first spotted by a Spanish website ADSLZone after it obtained some internal WhatsApp translation document.

Both of the above features do sound interesting and are really needed by most of the WhatsApp 800 Million users. However, currently it is difficult to say if these features will make it to the next WhatsApp app update.

Monday 6 July 2015

HomeHow ToTips And TricksHow to Track an Email Address How to Track an Email Address

Here is all the things that you need to track an email address :
  • Google Chrome (or a good and fast browser)
  • Fast internet connection
  • Access to a Google Account on which you received the mail.
Now follow the steps below to track an email address.
  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Click here to visit the website, which will help you to track the email address.
  • Open a new tab, and open your mail.
  • Now find the mail which you want to track and open it.
  • Now click on the down arrow, near the reply button and click on Show Original.
  • Now Copy all text which you see on this tab.
  • Now go back to the previous tab, where you opened this link.
  • Scroll down and find the empty text box.
empty text area
  • Paste the copied code here and click on Get Source.
  • Now wait for a few seconds to let the text upload.
  • Scroll down a lot more and you would be able to see a map with the location of the Sender.
You successfully traced an email address legally.

Saturday 4 July 2015

This 20-year-old Student Has Written 100 Malware Programs in Two Years

This 20-year-old Student Has Written 100 Malware Programs in Two Years
Security firm Trend Micro has identified a 20-year-old Brazilian college student responsible for developing and distributing over 100 Banking Trojans selling each for around US$300.

Known online as 'Lordfenix', 'Hacker's Son' and 'Filho de Hacker', the computer science student first began his career by posting in forums, asking for programming help for a Trojan he was developing, researchers said.

Developed More than 100 Trojans

However, Lordfenix has "grown quite confident in his skills" and began developing and distributing malware tailored to pilfer financial information since at least 2013.
"Based on our research, Lordfenix has created more than 100 different banking Trojans, not including his other malicious tools, since April 2013," Trend Micro says"With each Trojan costing around R$1,000 (roughly $320), this young cybercriminal channeled his talent in programming into a lucrative, illegal venture."
Trend Micro has also provided an image of the hacker's Facebook wall post (given below) in which the hacker shows a considerable amount of local currency.
This 20-year-old Student Has Written 100 Malware Programs in Two Years

Hacker is Offering Free Versions of Banking Trojans

In order to expand his operation, Lordfenix has now begun offering free versions of fully-functional Banking Trojan source code other wanna-be cyber criminals on the underground forum.

The free versions of the Trojan can be used to steal login details from customers of four different Brazilian banking websites including HSBC Brazil, Bank of Brazil, and Caixa. For access to other financial institutions, 'clients' have to pay for a more powerful tool, TSPY_BANKER.NJH.

TSPY_BANKER.NJH is a Trojan capable to identify when a user enters any of a target bank's URLs into their browser. The malware then shuts down the browser window (if it is running on Google Chrome), displays an error message, and then opens a fake Chrome window.

Once the victim enters the login details into the fake window, the information is sent back to the attackers address via email.

As an extra precaution, Lordfenix's malware also includes a software program to terminate a security process called GbpSV.exe, which is used by large number of Brazilian banks in an effort to keep their online customer data secure.

Malware Threat to Online Banking is Growing rapidly and countries like Brazil, where almost half of all financial transactions are conducted online, have come up as a boon for hackers.

Here's How You Can Replace Your iPhone Battery For Free

Nothing is scarier than your iPhone alerting you that your battery had hit 5%, especially when you just took it off the charger with a 100 percent full battery about an hour ago. 

To be very honest, it literally sucks. However, you no need to worry about this problem now, as there's a solution.

Apple has just modified its warranty programs to make it easier for you to get your iPhone battery or in some cases, the whole device exchanged at an Apple Store.

Under its new AppleCare+ policy, the company is offering to replace the batteries in your iOS devices for free until January 2016, but if and only if you are eligible.

Are you Eligible for New iPhone Battery?

To make sure your iPhone is eligible, you need to check these simple things:

  • You need to have bought the iPhone between September 2012 and January 2013
  • If yes, then the capacity of your battery also has to hold less than 80% of its original capacity
Previously, the policy offers replacement of batteries only to iPhone users whose batteries capacity slipped below 50% of the original battery life, but finally the company realized that to wait that long to get battery replaced is annoying, and has changed their policy.

The company is giving the same eligibility for Mac laptops, but their batteries have to slip below 50 percent of its original capacity.

There is no need to turn down your iPhones or put it on Airplane mode to save your battery life. Grab the Offer Now! and get your evil batteries changed before the policy get changed.

Friday 3 July 2015

Amazing 15 Internet Facts You Need to Know

More than a billion people use the internet daily. You can almost do anything online from earning money to ordering food and much more. Did you know that there are many Interesting facts about the Internet that you must know. So let’s increase our knowledge by knowing some Amazing Internet Facts.

#1 World’s first website, Created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 and is still running.


#2 The first Youtube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005 and is called “Me at the Zoo” and features Jawed Karim, one of the founders, at the San Diego Zoo.

#3 YouTube’s copyright-checking software scans over 100 years of video every day.


#4 The First registered domain was


#5 One in six marriages today occur because the couple met online.


#6 37% of WEB is Porn.

37percentage is

#7 There are more than 1 billion websites on Internet.

#8 Facebook has an estimated 1.2 Billion Active users, i.e about 17% of population in on facebook.

#9 Over 100,000 dot com domains are registered on the web daily.


(Visit for more.)

#10 Every day, 16% of the searches that occur are ones that Google has never seen before.


#11 First Ever Photo Uploaded On The Internet.


#12 The Internet is growing by an exabyte of data every day. If that didn’t hit you as hard as expected let me put it this way, an exabyte equals 250 million DVDs.

#13 Sweden has the highest proportion of Internet users, i.e 75%.

#14 Only 4% of internet could be surfed using Simple browsers and is not indexed by Google. Other content is incl. in the Dark net and is not indexed in Google results.


#15 Gangam Style is the most viewed video on youtube. It broke all the records ever made and its current view count is 2,363,287,905 views.

Hide any File in an Image without Steganography Software

We all want to share some secret stuff with our friends but we are unable to do so because of lack of privacy. If we send the Top Secret file using pendrive, then any person can check that very easily.If we want to make our content more secret and secure, we can easily hide our secret file in any image without using any software.
Both, the sender and receiver need only Winrar. If you don’t have winrar, then download it for free from here. Follow the steps below to hide any file in an image.
Step 1) Create a new folder with any name and send all the content to it which you want to hide.
Step 2) Once your folder is ready, right click on it and click on add to archive. Remember either it is a ZIP or a RAR file.
Step 3) Now put your archived file and the image in which you want to hide content in the same DRIVE.
Step 4) Now open Command Prompt (cmd).
Step 5)  Go to the directory or drive in which you are. Use CD / to go back a folder of CD name/ to go to the next folder.
Step 6) Once your CMD is in the same directory as your files, type the following command.
copy /b image.jpg + archived.rar newimagename.jpg
Replace the name of your files in the command above.
Now you can see a new image with the name newimagename.jpg which is much heavier in size and contains your secret file. You can send this file to anyone you want and no other person will be able to see anything except the image itself. Now the person whom you will send the file should follow the steps mentioned below to see the hidden files.
Step 1) Click on Windows icon and search for WINRAR.
Step 2) Now press Ctrl + O.
Step 3) Go to the location where image is saved. Make sure to select All files from the dropdown box to see your image.
Step 4) Open that image. You will be able to see all the files that are hidden in that image.
Hope you enjoyed this article.

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